Mini Dachshund Puppy learning to swim

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Mini Dachshund Puppy learning to swim

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This is Ajax and he is almost 4 months old. We have taken him to a dogpark recently that has a few small lakes to swim in. He won’t go very far off shore and needs to get used to the water. We decided to help him practice by filling our tub with water.

I did find it quite funny that he would start paddling before he was in the water and decided to film it. Enjoy

As a little update, Ajax does not really like the water. He will swim a little but tires of it or gets bored of it really quickly. He’ll run into the water a little at the dog park, but only on really hot days, and he basically cools himself off. I wish he would swim more though. Just needs more practice!


  1. That is adorabele, I am getting a Miniature is 3 weeks and have heard they really love to swim this is a great way to get them used to the water. He is so cute. x

  2. There are three types of dogs when it comes to swimming. Those that can (Newfoundland, Golden retrievers, Cocker Spaniels etc), Those that have to learn to swim ( Dachshunds, bulldogs, boxers etc) and those that shouldn’t (Pugs and other dogs can’t remember which). This is one of the easiest ways to teach a dog to swim because swimming form is different from them walking along :). Hope that helped. Peace!!

  3. I don’t think it is possible to make dog love the water this way.You are forcing him to do it,I don’t see he feels lucky about being there.

  4. So funny and smart how the do that instinctively! I took mine into the swimmingpool when he was about ten weeks old, slowly put him into the water and he just swam away… So cool.

  5. …oh wow, just relax! People make a fuss about everything! The owners didn’t just throw him in the water, and they didn’t even let go of him, so what’s the problem? Seeking attention like this is very pathetic.

  6. Haha, my doxie does the same thing before his bath but he HATES the water. The one time I got him into a pond, it was because I’d already waded out. He tried to climb me, of course.

  7. Aww, lookit that face! 🙂 I’ve had dachshunds all my life. Some of them swam like ducks, others ran from the water!

  8. go for it AJax, mine loves to swim properly,tell your parents to fill the bath high and let you go, I can tell you are going to love it.Mine also loves the sea. But I keep my girl on a very long lead just in case.

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