Dachshund Puppy first time in water, Mini Dachshund swimming.

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Dachshund Puppy first time in water, Mini Dachshund swimming.

Enzo, 11 week mini Dachshund chocolate puppy, wiener dog how to swim, introducing him to deep water for first time.


  1. شكرا يا استاذ طارق علي الافاده بس انا كلبي جيرمن شيبرد ومبيطقش الميه لو عندك حل بس وتقبل مروري

  2. Dog is not scared and the only person who knows if his dog is scared is the guy in this video. The guy would be able to feel the dog tremble via touch. I know this because I have this kind of dog that got scared of a big dog I tried to introduce it to. That dog breed becomes uncontrollable when afraid, doing whatever it can to escape usually thrashing violently and/or whining. Studies on dogs show that dogs become calm when near a human when normally stressed so the dog in this video is fine. Quit being judgmental and enjoy the video or don’t. The whole experience was under a two minutes long. 

  3. I picked up my six -seven year old GS mix(German Shepherds don’t seem to naturally like swimming) and dropped him in the in-ground pool at my neighbors home.  He was not able to get out because it was a ladder-exit pool, but I jumped right in after him and let him brace his rear legs on my arms so he could climb out of the pool.  He didn’t seem any more traumatized by being tossed into pool than a person would.  He trusts me as much as I trust him, so he knew nothing bad was going to come of anything I did to him.

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