How could you do that!!! Cute and funny dachshund dog video!

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How could you do that!!! Cute and funny dachshund dog video!

Everyone says that my parents are the best! That they love me more than anything in the world! But sometimes, they are very cruel… Sometimes they hurt me in the heart… Sometimes they hug other dogs…
I hope you enjoy my cute and funny dachshund dog video!
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Much more Doxie Din:
Сhooses a profession –
Skits and short movies –
Justice League of Dachshunds –
Village adventures –
All other adventures –
On travel –
Tricks and tricks learning –


  1. Disillusionment followed by forgiveness! Doxie Din, you are a wonderful dog! We in Miami, Florida, USA love you!!!

  2. такса дин супер такса дин класс кто не верит тому в глаз

  3. Дин такой классный! Желаю вам 100000 любителей Дина

  4. Дин хоть и обиделся но всё равно простил их потому что не смотря ни на что он любит свою семью ❤️❤️❤️

  5. Brilliant! Forgiveness even if it’s just a misunderstanding is the way to live our lives. God Bless you sweet Doxie Din!

  6. Awwwww. …I see u reunited with mom and dad. …u love them no matter what they do, such a loving family u guys are

  7. Don’t be sad my lovely Din, your are so sweet and your parents love you so much., no doubt about it. Eres hermoso y yo te amo tambien.

  8. C serve ua,ll rite .tryn ta play him…n dont let him jump on n off couches n do stairs….bad backs…i cant c if u had somethin outside of camera range for him to get up on but im justa sayn…..

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