Dog Breed Video: Dachshund

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Dog Breed Video: Dachshund

This is a video about the dog breed Dachshund, from the website.

In this video, we meet two of the six Dachshund varieties. Sue Seath keeps standard wire-haired and miniature smooth-coated Dachshunds. She both breeds and shows them.

The standard Dachshund was bred to hunt badger and fox and the miniatures for hunting rabbit, and they are used to this day for tracking. This means that they can ‘go hunting’ when off lead, and can have a strong prey drive for small animals.


  1. Thank you so much for your video. I have 2 questions to ask you, 1. where can I get a "miniature wire haired" dachshund puppy that doesn’t cost too much money (my budget is 800). 2. i live in florence italy, what’s the process of buying a dog in uk then fly it back with me? please advise thank you so much.

  2. My first Dachshund was a great wild boar hunter. He never engaged a boar face to face which could have been a letal attempt for him. He always came from behind and got on the boar`s nerves and made them leave the thick undergrowth where the pigs hid so I could shoot. I never had a better hunting companion. Every time I went hunting he was with me until he passed away at the age of 16 and half a year. Should I ever get to heaven (which I doubt) and he should not be there waggin his tail I would not want to get there

  3. Re: cats – When I got married, my wife brought her cat (a Russian Blue), and he became best friends with my standard wire-haired dachshund! They were both around 7 years old. We kept them apart for a while, and then we gradually let them get together. My dog was ready to be best friends from the start, but we gave her cat plenty of space and time to get comfortable.

  4. Spot-on video. You really know the breed. Beneficial to watch for all dachshund owners, and those who are looking into the breed. Well done ✅

  5. Thank you. Let me add: If you do not want a dog in your bed, don’t get a Dachshund as they insist on burrowing under the blankets. For me, my standard Dachshund (Oscar) is my best buddy. I can cut off the heater and he keeps me warm at night. They find one human and will stay with that one human to the end.

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