Bad Dachshund: Wake up, Margo!

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Bad Dachshund: Wake up, Margo!

Pepper wants to play!


«Rollanddrop» downloaded from YouTube Audio Library

Starring: dachshund Pepper and cute dog Margo


  1. Why is it always the screamers and idiots in the world who have millions of subs and cash, why not people like you ? Mr pepper deserves it, Mr pepper needs own swim pool and super deluxe food. He is to innocent and nice.

  2. 03.06.17 наша такса умерла у нас на руках, ушла на верх:(

  3. How old is Mr. Pepper and Margo? So cute together. What happened to, Mr. Pepper’s friend, the cat. The cat that let’s Mr. Pepper chew its ears!

  4. This is really cute! I would like to ask what it is like living with a Dashound? I am thinking about adopting a special one myself, but I am getting mixed responses on what they are like. Any advice?

  5. Pepper looked a little worried at the end. I wonder if he thought the cats were going to gang up on him. LOL

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