Reverse Sneezing in a Dachshund

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Reverse Sneezing in a Dachshund

Here is another dog reverse sneezing. Make sure you watch a few different breeds doing it before you decide whether or not this is what your dog is experiencing.


  1. Thank you. My dog started making nlizes similar to these as he slept and it had me worried. I’m glad to see its normal.

  2. When this happens, cover the dog’s nose and rub the neck until the dog swallows. You’ll know when it swallows because it will lick. It is stressful on the dog to let it keep going on. Hope this helps.

  3. Cool my doxie has a different sound he makes when experiencing reverse sneezing. I got video on my channel.

  4. The trachea collapses, and the dogs can’t breath. All you can do is be there for your dog, let them know it’s ok. It’s not a sneeze. Why vets say this I don’t know. I want the truth when I’m at the vet. People don’t want to spend money to hear there dog is sneezing Omg. This can be a minor or serious issue for dogs. If they do it often then you have some options to chose from. Like surgery. My dog does this, and I give him joint and glucosamine supplements. Hoping to strengthen the cartledge in his throat. He seems to be better.

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