Nana’s miniature dachshund

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Nana’s miniature dachshund

it was longer and had cuter pics also but for some reason its only saving half of it… sorry its not a pug but you gotta admit its adorable


  1. i LOVE him!!! he his SO cute i wish i hade a dog but we mooved in a new house and my mom dos NOT want to have one! :(:(:(

  2. @sxyynggrl4u thats so funny case I have 5 dachshunds 1 long haired and four short haired and i just got a rat terrier 4 months ago

  3. @stan5582 My little lady looked similar to the little one in this video you can see them full grown on my video or my face book katie katiek

  4. looks just like my Sable, she’s fixed so she looks like a chubby baby fur seal cuz her eyes are all black and her toe hair get’s long she looks like she has flippers, of course we cut it cuz after a while it gets matted and hurts her little feet, but her toes are pudgy and look like little baby bear paws

  5. Beautiful puppy, where you come from? We have a kennel miniature longhaired dachshunds in the Czech republic 🙂

  6. So cute! Long-haired Dachshund’s are beautiful!! Come check out my Dachshund vid.

  7. Why are you sorry it’s not a pug? A Dacshund is a much better dog! They don’t spend all of there time snorting!

  8. Aww…Hes so cute! I have a miniature dachshund right now sleeping near me on the sofa. Had him ever since he was a puppy 🙂 *yawn* im sleepy, ill snuggle with him now…

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