How Crusoe the Dachshund Wakes Up
Find more at http://celebritydachshund.com
Here’s how Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund wakes up in his little dog crate every morning. He’s a lucky little dog.
I love this song. Check out the creator’s site here: http://www.zandersehkri.com/
Music licensed from Beatpick.com #42699
License of Music For Commercial Purposes
Non Commercial, Non-Profit Organizations and Students
Distribution: Internet and Private Use
Zander Sehkri – This Day it Smiles
how old he is?
Your So Cute Crusoe I Love You!
One amazng crate
mine loves his house crate with 3 blankets inside.They love the warmth.
Beautiful teeth. That’s how I look getting up in the morning.
My dog likes my bed because she doesn’t like to be alone
What? You lock him/her in the crate? >:(
Wakes up to love, lucky dog
I love you crose
I still can’t believe it, my two are at their crate door like they are bucking broncos. They can’t wait to get out.
I had a little black and tan dachshund for 13 1/2 years!! She was headstrong, loving, protective best little girl a "doggie parent" could have. Miss her a lot.
sooo cute
Ryan, please show us how he goes to bed! My doxies are too cute in their routine. Please think about showing Cru’s too 🙂
Crouse your videos are hilarious
Same with you Oakley ha ha ha:-) .
And I am very jealous over their stretching routines.
Why do you lock him up over night?
sooo cute
i love you crusoe your so cute
crusoe is a good dog
What, not in the bed with the folks?? No one would get any sleep if my girl were in a crate.
I have dachsund, her name is Martta. In English Martha.
My dachshund doesn’t like sleeping in crates he likes my bed
Good Morning Crusoe! Xxx
Where did you get Crusoe’s adorable bed?! Our little Payton would love it!
I thought he slept in your bed….didn’t you have a ramp?
What is it about dachshunds that they want to bury themselves under the covers. Mine gets up as slow as Crusoe does because he has trouble untangling himself. He sleep in the Master’s bed and is a total blanket thief. I first thought it was because he was cold but he buries tangles himself no matter how hot the summer gets. Even when he decides to lay on top of the covers he still builds a nest, or just tangles his back half up with his front out. I know they were bred to go into holes and get rid of burrowing animals, but I doubt this is why they cover themselves up to sleep. Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?
cute cute cute cute
How old is he?
So cute!!!!!!!
Love Crusoe!! He has got to be the most popular Doxie ever!!
He’s locked up at night?
Nice set of healthy teeths
Can you make a night time routine of Crusoe, please….
My wiener loves his den too! same thing, lots of yawns, stretchy stretching and then face rubbing!
William Dachshund here! My favourite video is Crusoe "Doing his Taxes" and having a little hissy fit. My mum lets me watch on the computer and I bark at Crusoe when he gets cross. Mum laughs a lot!