Guardian Kittens – Lunchtime 2018-05-05
Food for an Amber, is there an Amber in the house? “Me! Me! Me!” she says. Groan warning – John cuts loose with a groaner that I’m not sure even qualifies as a “dad joke” before heading in for kitten snuggling time. I take absolutely no responsibility for that. 😀
Mama Gamora and her five little Infinity Kittens were born in the evening on April 14th. John was going to do a gemstone theme for his 60th litter, but mama came named Gamora, so the babies are named for stones resembling the Infinity Stones in Guardians of the Galaxy. The darkest one is Jasper (boy), the “wee one” is Amber (girl, one sharp white stripe on her nose), and the three middle grey ones are Topaz (boy, white muzzle), Kyanite (girl, white “crown” on nose – pointed white middle bit), and Alexandrite (boy, brown grey face with straight white stripes on nose). Identification Pictures: https://goo.gl/hMZuq4. Mama Gamora is estimated to be about a year old.
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