Dachshund teaching baby to play fetch!

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Dachshund teaching baby to play fetch!


  1. "Here you go mini master" *gives toy*
    Baby: What do I do with this?
    Dog: You pick it up like this
    Baby: What?

  2. HAHA the little dachshund is like "Warum willst du nicht abholen das verdammte Spielzeug du dumme menschliche Säugling?!"

  3. Haha i love how the dog looks like hes gonna go crazy:i told you you take the damn thing and throw it comme on man comme on!

  4. dog is like "why don’t you pick the damn thing up and throw it??"…moments later "never mind I can play by myself, argh little babbling humans are no fun"

  5. xD xD xD If I wasn’t so allergic to cats I’d LOVE to have one……IF I had the money I’d get one of those hairless cats……I think they are soooooo cute…..I know I’m weird but still I think they’re cute!!!

  6. people are retarded if they say this is unhygienic. It’s been proven that dogs with babies increase the child’s immune system

  7. OMG REALLLY??? I’ll have to ask doc about that!!!! As a matter of fact my daughter and I have BAD allergies pollen, mold….you name it and we’ll sneeze, blow noses, and get the allergy meds out!!!! xD Anyway will DEFINITELY ask doc about Humira because we need SOMETHING!!!! Maybe we’ll get a cat ater all!!!!! Why not we have 3 dogs might as well add a cat into the mix!!!! xD

  8. I was horribly allergic to cats and tree pollen.

    Because of a medical problem, I had to take a powerful medication (Humira) to modify my immune system.

    Since then I have no allergies to cats and tree pollen.

  9. "Okay, over here, over here. You’re not getting it. Alright, I’m going to move it closer so you’ll sense what you’re supposed to do, so ready? Okay . . . nowwwwwww, TOSS IT! Alright! Now here . . . we . . . . Okay, still not getting it. Lemme try it again . . . . . . "

  10. Humira is a very, very powerful drug and it’s also very expensive; it’s not used to modify immune systems because of allergies.

    But, I can tell you this, that after a very long lifetime of these allergies, I no longer have them.

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