Dachshund puppy wants cat to wake up
Looks like Mr. Pepper, an adorable Dachshund puppy, really wants Patrick the cat to wake up from his nap. It’s time to play! Credit to ‘AlwaysHungryCat’.
Source & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zhez-wake-up-patrick.html
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Always good to see cats and dogs getting along!
Reminds me of my wife waking me up…
Take puppy out of there that is not a kitten
"Not tonight, I have a headache!"
So you take someone elses videos, and post it on your channel in order to sponge money of their channel
What a scumbag channel this is
Craigy… they hate you at the Cloud.
22 dislikes — 22 psychopaths duh????
def a cornish rex I have 2 and 1 daxie lol
Not worth watching due to soundtrack.
"Wake up and go to sleep!"
That is a very tolerant cat.
the cat is going to kill him in his sleep
LOL just like me and my boyfriend in the morning. I hate mornings.
The cat is either a Devon Rex or Cornish Rex I’m pretty sure
Pause at 1:05 for the cutest picture.
*royalty free music intensifies*
I didn’t wake you, but since you’re up, let’s play.
u stole this from mr always hungry cat
Patrick is like "Why must you be in my life?"
Cat’s like, "Dude…"
Alright YOU BASTARD, I’m up already.
please wake up and play with me to funny
IKEA bed spread
love the cat’s fur. Like he had curlers in lol
What kind of cat is that? It looks weird. It has an odd coat for a cat.
Not that stupid vlogger music…
cute video!
Cat "The shit I put up with…"
i love mr pepper and the alwayshungry cat videos, glad you gave them credit 🙂
Dog:Â I would like to play!
Cat:Â Observe, as invent a new death.
I hate to break it to you … but your Cat might be a Lamb.