Cute Dachshund wants to sleep

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Cute Dachshund wants to sleep

kenjie is the name of the following dog..


  1. So cute!! My Frankie was the same way. He resisted naps because he didn’t want to miss a thing. Frankie passed away last Feb at 18 years old. I miss him.

  2. No, I really don’t think that this dog is too skinny! We have 4 dachshunds. Our smallest is 16 months old, and she weighs just 8.5 pounds. And our biggest is closer to 16. But my smallest dog has tons of access to food. And she is happy and so full of energy!!! I love my dog, Coco!!! They’re the best dogs ever!!!! 🙂

  3. Doxies have to stay lean. They get serious back problems easy & a large tummy sways the back. I have 3 & my vet weighs them at each visit & advises me regarding my girls’ weights. I am fortunate to have a vet that is very aware of doxie issues. She has one herself.

  4. I know that dachshunds arent supposed to be chubby cause of their backs…. but they are cute as hell when theyre chunky lol. XD

  5. @MrTiyontiyon @fazzafazza122
    omg my dachshund she eat anythink, she a little fatty. not over weight but she has some meat on her. guess it depends on the dog too. cos my other dachshund is a picky eater and is small as.

  6. still he is a dog.. loves meat when he can get it ..will survive otherwise
    ..let them be dogs and they may suprise you .
    … much love to you both

  7. cute ni kenji..tungka na kakahalat ng kakanon…hirak man..nadangog ko pa si ate gie nagtataram..hahahahaha

  8. Feed ur dog.

    If your dog’s hungry it can’t go to sleep. That’s why you don’t feed watch dogs so they can stay alert and serve.

    Mine’s bit chubby but yours look too skinny.

  9. He’s kind of thin. Maybe he’s not tired, but exhausted from lack of proper nutrition. Hope he’s okay!

  10. @youBigLoser The doxie is maybe a little bit on the thin side, but he’s not so skinny as to be unhealthy. On the contrary, he looks quite healthy to me.

  11. that’s the basset hound part of him that wants to sleep all day. I have two basset hounds and the only way to wake them up is, "who wants a treat?"

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