Crusoe the Dachshund Plays Stressful Zombie Video Game
Via http://facebook.com/crusoedachshund
Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund plays some zombie video games (Dead Rising 3) in anticipation for Halloween, although he finds the scariness a little stressful!
Crusoe is a MAJOR LEAGUE GAMER! You can tell.
Crusoe was ready for war!
also first comment nobody cares I know
yasssss kill dat bish
Crusoe Zombie killer 🙂
he’s so stressed!
even dachsunds shouldn’t ruin their psyches playing those games <smile>. Better to go golfing…..
ssssoooooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuute
Now that’s acting! you’re shivering Crusoe! #ActingGoals
he was playing dead rising 3!
For male lead in a horror sequence… And the pawscar goes to… Crusoe!!! clap clap clap
he is so cool
Wrong controller. But A for effort.
hi cruise
dead Rising 3 wasn’t on ps3
Awesome. How did you make him tap the joystick that way?
Wrong control but he cute
Awww that’s so cute!
so cute
awesome gaming skills
i have 1 dachshund her name is lucy and i am in love with you
how did you get him to cooperate so well?
Cute dog playing a video game nice
And the instinct to bear hug him intensifies
he’s playing dead rising 3
Crusoe, you deserve an Oscar for that acting!
So cute
First comment!!! Love curusoe
what’s the dog was really playing
Every video gets cuter and cuter!! Love you Crusoe
For them how disklikes this video. I hope you burn in hell 🙂
he is so [ cute..I LOVE HIM