Coco the miniature chocolate dapple dachshund as a puppy

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Coco the miniature chocolate dapple dachshund as a puppy

This is a mish mash of some videos I found of Coco when she was really little. She was sooooo cute….still is though. πŸ™‚


  1. 3 thumbs down? Who wouldn’t like watching such a cute little dog? Probably the same people that drown kittens for fun.

  2. I believe dachshunds are happier if the owner has two…little Coco is trying to play by herself….get her a friend!

  3. I recently purchased a male chocolate dapple, he is full of energy just like Coco. He has the brown snout and pink on his paws of the chocolates.

  4. Awe cute! We call her Cocopuff or Coconut sometimes. And when she is really acting goofy, Coo Coo! πŸ™‚

  5. Well, not too worried about that, but in case there is anyone out there that would consider buying her for that much, NOT A CHANCE! Not enough money in the world could make me give her up!

  6. Actually, she turned 2 in February and I can probably count on 1 hand how many accidents she has had. The breeder we got her from already trained her to use a doggy door, so potty training her was a breeze and she picked it up real quick! So I think we’ll keep the carpet. πŸ™‚

  7. Whoa, this looks almost exactly like my uncles dog. Only difference is her left eye is blue and brown, and their names are different.

  8. I got her from a breeder in North Idaho. I went there to pick her up and it is a legit place. She has some really cute pups for sale right now! Her breeder name is MGM dachshunds. She has a page called miniature hound dot com if you wanna check it out.

  9. Aww lol those are cute names too πŸ™‚ I’m learning a lot about this breed that I never kneww about before. I have a pure bred Staffy we adopted named "Pennie". She was thought to be a "1 dog in the house" kind of girl….UNTIL our lil Cocoa came along. Now they’re INSEPARABLE! It must be his loveable nature that won her over πŸ™‚ He’s constantly kissing her & taunting her to chase him. Cutest thing!

  10. its just like my puppy that was born in my house πŸ™‚ I had to give it away though because we have wayyyy to many pets in our house.. we gave coco (my little brown dachshund ) to my preschool’s teacher. My preschool teacher gave her to her brother. I see her almost every Halloween! She is sooo cute!

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