Cesar v. Dachshund

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Cesar v. Dachshund

A great example of Cesar’s ineptitude at reading dogs body language and putting them in inappropriate situations


  1. People are so egotistical! Not all dogs like to be touched by strangers! The poor dogs was so uncomfortable about the situation, the last thing you should do is put more pressure on the dog. When Cesar says submissive, it is actually is FEAR, when he says the dog is calm, that actually means SHUT DOWN… What Cesar does is so dangerous and unnecessary. He must stop brain washing people! When a dogs growls, they are telling you they don’t like the situation, majority of the time its FEAR, you should never correct a dog for that, it will only cause them to bottle up their fear and/or cause them to become more aggressive! Think of it this way, if some stranger comes up to you and gets right into you space and makes you uncomfortable and you tell him to back off, does that mean you are aggressive and should be punished? NO! But that is what Cesar and so many other averse trainers do to dogs…. Your goal should be to get your dog comfortable about the situation so they don’t feel the need to be aggressive in the first place!

    -Denver Brown we need more people like you spreading the word about this, keep it up!

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