1. The "white" dachshund is not actually white but a cream color. The color is called "English Clear Cream" (aka ee cream). This color is not a common color. There is another version of this color that is called just "English Cream", in which it is the same color but with a tuft of black hair on the ears and tail as an adult (born a much darker color and lightens up as they age.) I have several videos of mine if you care to look on my profile. 🙂 Mine is a English Clear Cream (aka ee cream) Doxie!

  2. Adorable! I have a Dachsund and sometimes I get scared to let him off the leash because he could just take off running for a squirrel or something!

  3. short 1 are cute, the long hairy 1 is in my eye’s same as muslims.. just nasty.. better 2 destoy them all 😀

    any 1 has the guts 2 replay? 😀

    jea i will react full wpr,,

    so please react.. xD

  4. Really cute! They are fun tenacious and spirited breed! I have one and would happily be surrounded by them! Thanks for sharing 😀

  5. wow, i’ve never seen before a dachsund like that on the right! is it beige and with long hair? wow!

  6. nice wiener dogs, that looks like korea:) i got 4 dachshunds your mini black&tan looks like my black&tan, the longhair doxie color is cool

  7. lol i have two daushunds that are sisters and they can run so fast!!!! but they have a little bit of doberman in them so their snouts are a bit pointier and a little shorter and there legs are SERIOUSLY longer than the black one with the sweater!!!!

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