Oklahoma Woman Dies After Being Mauled By A Pack Of Dogs | TIME
An Oklahoma woman has died after being mauled by a pack of dachshunds that allegedly belong to a neighbor.
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Oklahoma Woman Dies After Being Mauled By A Pack Of Dogs | TIME
Dogman attack?
Heart goes out to family/friends affected.
Any dog that will take on a Badger and win is #1 in my book.
Ban fully automatic assault wieners
Ok honestly!! How TF did this happen!? I don’t get it. Did the dogs really tear her to pieces or did she trip over one of them and fatally injure herself? I Know old people are fragile but do you really expect me to believe my 10 year old Chihuahua is gonna kill my 51 year old family members? She can’t even jump 2 ft!!
I used to have a dachshund that was extremely aggressive. We showed him all the love he could get, but when he would bite he’d take chunks out of people.
What a wiener of a way to go
She couldnt handle so many wieners at once lol
Dauchsaunds?….really? Lol
Assault wiener dogs ? Sounds like fake news to me !
I feel sorry for the dogs that had to be put down. This is so stupid. How do u get attacked by small dogs? I live on dogtown rd surrounded by many packs and coyotes and I’ve never had a problem with them attacking, just getting in the road. They sense evil so that’s why they attacked her. Nature doing population control
And the Darwin award goes to…
The fat bitch finally did something right for the community and fed all them poor hungry wild animals with her hard and disturbing face. Is this why the cops kept puking their soul’s up!?????!!!!!!!!
I shouldn’t find this funny because it is incredibly sad, but… DACHSHUNDS?
Lmao how tho she had to be big asf
Dachshunds…. Really?
This how it happened. They went for the ankles and as she backed up she tripped on one and then they went for the throat.
The news now reports the stupidest shit as if its real. Fenway Franks attack and kill stupid woman.
Death by hotdog. Nothing is more Oklahoman.
Saddest way to die.
I guess you could say she had to many wieners if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I’m keeping my eye on my miniature Labradoodle. You never know.
Bark bark bitch
Now what are the Pitbull haters going to say not a motherfuking thing
This is why I call a gun but thats scary to the liberals
Another Garcia
I just keep imagining that scene from Jurrasic Park Lost world where those tiny dinasaurs jump over that log and eat that guy but with wiener dogs.
dachshunds are bred to be sporting dogs.
they are bred to persue rodents, weasels, and vermin, into holes and burrows and drag them out.
the same goes for miniture and tea cup poodles who are bred to persue other animals into holes and kill them.
Don’t baste your barbecue…. Maul it!
Middle age amateur vs 7 knee high wieners
Wheres my Brazzers check?
According to the veterinarian that euthanized them, at least one of the dogs, believed to be the sire, was a 55+ lb pit bull. In all likelihood, the pit was the main culprit. None were purebred dachshunds. The woman, who claimed they were dachshund mix, is, unsurprisingly, a pit advocate. http://www.animals24-7.org/2018/05/17/how-tabloids-turned-the-pits-who-killed-tracy-garcia-into-dachshunds/ http://www.crimeonline.com/2018/05/21/was-tracy-garcia-killed-by-a-pack-of-dachshunds-is-there-a-coverup-to-protect-the-pit-bull-image/ Shame on TIME for not accurately reporting the circumstances.
Dogs are smart
They didn’t like her
Its ok . There was a cop taken down by a pack of wild chihauhaus .
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prayers for all those affected by what has happened to this woman. so awful
The Snowball Uprising has begun!
That’s a raise the anger level story. A neighbors pack of dogs? Killed my who? Oh where or where is my righteous soul, oh Father forgive we, it dropped into a demons hole.
We need to ban dogs now, I demand we call for Dog Control, banning all dogs.
What a shame to say the least
She must be very ugly inside and did something to them
Good for the dogs
I guarantee a dog tearing on your Achilles tendon , regardless of size is going to hurt and bring you down. This woman clearly wasn’t physically able to hurt the dogs so they didn’t let up. Honestly she probably died a very slow , painful death. R.I.P. But still.