And you thought my girl was jealous!!! LMAO!!!
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WOOW watching this in 2017
Thank you, Made me smile, made my day! These dogs have personality overload.
what a great dog the video made me laugh thanks dave from Michigan
U scored a beautiful girl
Hahaha I have 3 Doxies and wow lol. They’re the best, but crazy jealous, possessive and needy! Love’em
greatest dogs ever created
I love your video of your dachshund. My 7 year old dachshund Autumn Leaves does the exact same thing. They want to be involved with all family functions. When my wife and I pray, our little Autumn Leaves will put her head between me and my wife and will not move until the prayer is over. Sometimes she will fall asleep and start to snore.
Awwww, Lucky was lit
that is so cute
Awwwwww sooooo cute.
Our Dachshund Eddie does the same thing ! I have to talk on the phone sitting on the floor petting him or he will whine. I love him so much. Love your video.
I have one that is even worse Bubba is not going to let anything get in his way.
Such a pretty lady – pity(
omgggg!! He is too darn cute!!
My dashshund does the same thing!
I like you guys. Such a happy family 🙂
my Suzy does the same thing with me and my husband…. she sleeps in the middle of us and has since we got her at 9 months old and she will be 5 next may
That is hilarious!! My doxie Sammy is the same way with my husband and I!
That’s cute! Glad you’re enjoying your jealous little doxie! HaHa!
very nice
My wiener dog is the same way! He’s so posessive of me and wedges himself between me and my husband all the time.
mano Iksius irgi toks pat Bučiukas <3 my Iksius too, such as fishing-baskets 😀
I am so glad I found your channel! You’ve already helped me realize that the idea that black people do not love dogs like white people is just a bunch of bs. lol
I too am a wiener dog owner, and they are the best damn dogs in the world.
his girl and puppy are cute
So funny and cute! Thanks for sharing this video! It made me think of the Dachshund I babysit 🙂
aw he loves you guys 🙂
RIP dog and channel
I recommend Victoria…from "It’s me or the dog!!" LMAO!!
What happend that you’re not with Sarah anymore, or maybe you explained it in any video but I didn’t see it?
We have the exact same problem with my boyfriend. He has a lady dachshund who starts barking and jumping around for attention like crazy when we hug or kiss. And when we sit side-by-side on the couch, she comes in between us and starts pushing me away with the nose 🙂
My dashound eddy is the sa e with me my mum and dad it’s so cute
One big happy family, Lucky is already planning he’s next operation of getting in between Tyrone and Sarah
I have a female Doberman who does the same thing, my fiance and I can never kiss when my doberman is around and when we do my doberman tries to push us apart or bark our ears off. No kissing at my house 😀
That dog is diesel
Seen this before with many dogs. Nothing special. Except that annoying ass doxie yelp
Dash hounded
lucky is swoll how much he bench 3-350 lol
My dog does the same thing, she too is a dachshund.
Tyrone use to bust all kindzzzz of nutssss alll kindzzzz..
That is too funny. My boyfriend has 2 dachshunds and one is super jealous of anyone who even gets near my boyfriend. We hug and kiss and the Max his dog would do exactly the same thing. My man if the Alpha, but sure a hell he bows down to his dog. LOL
I have a dachshund who does the same thing!! I think he wants to marry my husband and have his puppies.
Be good to that little Doxy. I had two, Oscar and Gus, that lived to be 15. They died within 2 months of each other. I miss them very much.
That is our little man all the way! He even sleeps in between us. I feel your pain and your laughter. My Little man has serious mommyitis.
Too funny