Dachshund suffering with hip dysplasia 10 at the time
UPDATE this little guy is doing better every once in awhile he’ll get pain and wobble while walks he has pain killers for it:)
He started getting better when we got another that he absolutely loves.
Thank you for this video, sad to watch him in pain but my little man (he’s 8) is having problems with his right back leg now and we’re not sure if it’s his hip or his knee coming out of place but we’re scheduled to see the doc this week! I hope him & your newer pup are doing well! 🙂
Sad to see, but to keep him in pain, making him walk, isn’t great to see in a dog owner….
I see. I would not recommend such pain killers for a dog especially for a prolonged use. They all do have terrible side effects and do permanent damage to liver, kidneys and heart. Thousands of dog owners use alternative treatment – supplements e.g. vitamin C, colostrum and glucosamine formulas will great success. I do recommend products like ‘Healthy Motion’ by Green dog naturals (it comes in powder or tablets), colostrum for pets by sedona labs, sodium ascorbate…
This doesn’t look like hip dysplasia. This appears to be a classic IVDD episode. Are you sure the vet diagnosed this as a hip problem?
The arched back, obvious pain, yelping when touched, hesitant to move, and drunken walk when moving are all key symptoms of IVDD. IVDD can be treated with crate rest and anti-inflammatory drugs too, but it sometimes requires surgery.
It really looks like your dog has IVDD. (Essentially a herniated disc that’s putting pressure on his spinal cord.)
Poor dog…have you had x-rays done at the vet? How bad is his hip dysplasia? I am not a vet myself but I had a dog with severe hip dysplasia that did very well on glucosamine+chondroitin+msm supplements, bovine colostrum and a high dose of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate). You can try to use seppapeptase as well in order to manage his pain. There are lots of articles in the internet on how to treat dysplastic dogs with natural supplements with no side effects.
Thank you for uploading this, it will help us other dog owners to understand what this problem actually looks like.
soidum ascorbate by Now Foods (powder form). All these supplements can be purchased online at iherb.com or any other supplement store or a heath store. As I said before, I am no vet, but I had a dog with severe hip dysplasia that my vet recommended to put down and that had a great life with little or no pain thanks to all these supplements. By the way, colostrum + vit. C will take care of any infection, like a bladder infection and there will be no need for antibiotics in the future.