Ok so my parents’ two dachshunds (ada and shady) love to hunt stuff. One day my dad found a hole in his screen porch in florida… he knew a rat must of came through. As he searches with his BB rifle (funny, i know!) the dogs get so hype! I grabbed the camera and started recording, sorry for the shaking, the rat comes straight for me and shady intercepts for the kill. Of course we immediately get the dogs away from it once they kill it. The action begins around 2:13.
Mine mine mine mine…hey hey mine mine mine.
Was that rifle gonna be used as a club or what? Or is your dad a police officer who can shoot the gun out of the suspect’s hand? LOL.
A rat, hmmm my dachshunds have never gotten anything that small. Maybe a couple of rabbits, a bird, a chipmunk and squirrel but never a rat.
That’s a good way to aim at things.
@sandhilldiva yea he was gonna shoot it with the bb rifle lol! that’s how my dad rolls.
is that the first rat hes killed? that was awesome
Way to go little guys!!!
They were bred to kill badgers, at least full sized dachsunds were! I wish we had them to sick on all of the crazy rats in our neighborhood!
Was that rifle gonna be used as a club or what? Or is your dad a police officer who can shoot the gun out of the suspect’s hand? LOL.
I have a doxie and a rattie mix that will gladly perform rat control service if they ever got the opportunity. The small terriers like the Jack Russell and the Rattie as well as dachshunds make better ratters than cats do, believe it or not……
It was a GOOD thing that he used the gun to poke through those papers FIRST before reaching in. When I was a kid I knew this old man with a deformed hand. My dad told me it was from a RAT BITE. You CAN kill a rat with a BB gun if you are a good shot. I preferred using a 22 and I have killed a few like that. I like this video because many people think Doxies are not capable of doing what your dogs here did. These dogs for a few minutes were in Doxie heaven. Hunting and protecting their people.
Dachshunds are very good hunters 🙂
Haha, holy shit.
@heartinsanfransisco thanks!! It was a bb rifle lol my dad wishes he was a secret agent lol!
And let me tell you about the time when I was in grade school. My older sister lost her guinea pig in a hedge. Searched for an hour, no luck.
So she gets Rudy, our doxie to search. Her intent was to hold him by the collar and just use his nose as an alert when he found it.
My sister’s plan worked, Rudy found the rodent. I will spare the details, but the guinea pig went to heaven that night.
Hey, I was in like 3rd grade, what did I know. Besides, it was her plan.
dont tell me he was gonna shoot the rat with that!!!lol
Doxie’s are really good hunters. My dog Michi even killed 3 (but a bigger size than that one)
Dacshunds Rock,the best hunter.
I have a doxie and that’s the way they kill, grab, press with teeth and shake his head until the rodent is a goner.
Mine plays gentle tug o war with a towel and eventually he growls and shakes his head like the dog does in this video. It’s gotta hurt when you have teeth clamping down on your neck or body.
Anyone who thinks that dachshunds aren’t smart needs to watch this video.
WOOT free extermination GOOD DOGS!
Nice job dogs! my Moms Dachshund Oscar trapped a Marmot in a rock cave and when he poked his head in the tunnel he got a chunk taken out of his nose.