Video footage of PJ the Duchound from just 6 weeks old to 1 year old. See the changes and the things he learnt to do in the time.
Video footage of PJ the Duchound from just 6 weeks old to 1 year old. See the changes and the things he learnt to do in the time.
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CUTE, NICE!! WOW very Touching!!!
one question, the other dog is a Shiba? Thanks, and, great video:D
My doxie looks exactly like that his name is "Peppy"
Lovely video. PJ is so cute. Ours dogs were watching as well & they loved it.
cutest dog EVER!!!
cutest video ever!!!! i dont know why but i’m crying now =( cuz i have thesame doggie but she’s 7 years old
that was a cute video but it made me sad
umm… Dog’s aren’t supposed to have chocolate.
So what? Chocolate is like poison to dogs! There are three foods that can kill dogs… One is Chocolate, another onions and why the hell does anybody give a thumbs down for spreading information that can potentially save a dogs life?
The best of all your video’s
very cute! :3
he is just adorable !!! In this video u can really see how much u love him !!!
I love your video so much.I just received my dachshund 2 days ago.His name is Levi and he is 4 years old.I love him to death!!!!!
What a lovely video, and surely what a lovely dog!
Dachschunds are just the coolest dogs. I have an 8 y.o. black/tan who is spoiled rotten. He’s my rotten little baby! Enjoyed your video! Thanks!
i love this vid!
omg, he’s sooo cute 🙂
i have a dachshund on my own and i wish i had more videos and pictures of him when he was a puppy..
I have a mini-dachshund he looks exactly like PJ he is 11 months old. Like most of the hound group, they do get into mischief
im crying is she dead
i was in tears it was such a nice video
Beatifull Puppy…from Argentina, salute you…
i just had to give away my baby cat tigger she is 10and I am already missing her
Great video and tribute to your adorable doxie! We cant wait to get ours next month!
Beautiful.Thanks I needed that. I have two Dashes.
1 named DASH
1 named (Dot) Daught after Daughtry the Rock singer.
Anyway, your video touched me THANKS.
Out of all the dachshund videos on youtube, think this one has to be the cutest!!!!!
And what a coincidence, my dachshund pup (Heidi) was born on June 11th/2007. She is a red smooth hair as well too!
Absolutely love your little PJ, he is a handsome pup!!!
What a cuuuuuuuuuuuute Video. We have a red coat female"Lucy" the love of my life….
Great video!!! Very touching