Dachshund Herniated disc crate rest treatment day 1 PM
This is a educational video we did to try and help other people who are doing crate rest therapy for a herniated disc. The reason we have decided to do crate rest vs surgery is because Pixie was operated 2 1/2 months ago for an other herniated disc and healed 98% and now he has a new disc that has herniated. This is after 3 days of vet crate rest and prevezone. Fist day at home.this is part 2
Thank you so very very much for this post!! Our dachsund has just been diagnosed w a herniated disk, and we cannot afford the tremedously expensive surgery (we’ve been quoted 5 – 10 K for it). We basically had thought, and were lead to believe that it was a death sentence for her. This gives us much hope for her future with us!! Prevention has always been on our minds, and we have taken many many steps to prevent this (Keeping her fit, lean, ramps, stairs etc) but the inevitable happened, and she landed funny one day and pop. So THANK YOU From our family, for posting this. It has really given us hope, knowledge that we can get past this.
I have a Boxer with a ruptured disc between the T11 & T12 vertebrae. Both back legs were paralyzed. After 1 day in the hospital his right leg came back fully but he continued to drag his left leg and toe under his paw. On the 6th day we took him home on prednisone. He was urinating all over himself which was heartbreaking to see. I am overjoyed to say after 3 days at home he took his 1st step which made us all cry & cheer like idiots. Its a month later and he is doing great. I hope yours is 2
…my own lower-spine is a wreck w/degenerative-disc disease/spinal stenosis…and my doxy suffers bouts from herniated discs ’cause some asshole kicked him…I’m permanently on hard-core pain meds…and my doxy too; when his discs get inflamed…so, never short ’em their pain-meds…it’s a suck-ass, nasty pain…like cancer…the only way they can ‘tell’ us it hurts like hell is by whining, doin’nuthin’ &/or sitting & licking their hind-paw/leg…me? I cuss & curse like a pissed-off pirate…
thank you so much for poting this. I have a chi-weenie and had to take him to the vet for a bulging disk. He’s on Prednisone and rest for the next 3 weeks. He’s my first doxie mix dog and only 4 – I had no idea they could these types of problems so early on. I love him to death and need all the information I can find to protect him as best I can. I hate when vets use scare tactics to try and force expensive surgeries that they can’t guarantee will fix the problem.
No one ever should massage any back with disc problems human or dog ,what he is doing to this dogs back could make it worse, Do not even touch his back while healing ,The disc with a tear or a herniation will heal it self with rest and anti-inflammatories .Poor dog wonder how he is doing being the vid is a few years old?
My dachshund is named Pixie too
Happy to see that she is walking. Our dog Romeo ( a 5 yr. dachshund) was completely paralyzed in his hind legs after his disc operation. He neither was able to control pee and poop. After 5 weeks with diapers with no improve at all with his sphincters (at that time he already was able to stand up for some seconds, but no walking yet) we bought a natural product for dogs: Bladder Support, Plus Cranberry. The next very day we noticed he pee less. After 3 days he was freed diapers till now.
Romeo is walking and even running now but not very well yet, and he get sometimes tired and swollen, so after 7 weeks of his surgery he is still recovering.
A scene I know all too well. My little one recovered from her first episode in a few weeks, but 1-1/2 yrs later, we have another episode which is much worst. Can’t afford the surgery and am hoping cate rest and TLC w/some meds will get her through.
I hoping someone can help me. My husband and I have a long haired miniature Dachshund who is 11. She started walking sideways due to pain what seemed to be in her back right leg. Brought her to vet, gave her medicam. Next day took her to the ER. Was there 3 days after acupuncture, laser and xray. Still no relief there. She is now with a specialist in Metairie LA. MRI shows she has FOUR herniated disc. Dr has never seen 4. She is scheduled for surgery in a few days. We know the recovery will be long and hard for all us. Any words of advice or anyone out there that has experience this with their doxie. She is our baby, we have no children or grandchildren and she is just the love of our life. We are not rich, but we can afford the surgery and good care she is getting. We feel we are doing the very best for her, but gosh it hurts. We are two hours away from her and will visit again with her on Sat. Thank you in advance for your reply
Your videos help. Our chiweenie has lost control of her hind legs. Happened very quickly (a couple of days) Surgery too expensive (5-6000) Opting for crate rest. Is on prednisone. We’re day 1 of new drug. Had something else for a few days. After seeing your video, we are hopeful. Any more tips that will help? please post.
I have a dachshund/husky. She has a ruptured disk and paralysis in her back legs. She has been on pred. for 3 days and crate rest for 2. im hoping she gets better. I cannot afford the surgery
my dog can’t even wag her tail. my vet did very little for explaining care outside of surgery or acupuncture (just wanted my money and i can’t afford it). think there’s a chance she could at least gain some mobility back on crate rest?
Cortisone and crate rest, depending on the severity of the paralysis and how quickly it was treated the result may vary, check out dodger’s list, there is hope even if the paralysis stays. Take it one day at a time and 8 full weeks of crate rest.
she’s actually doing better, she’s gained bladder control, can wag her tail, and can walk on her knees again (she’s tried to stand up a couple times, but hasn’t had success yet). we tried this product called nzymes, it was fairly expensive (you can go to nzymes,com to read up on it). i’m not sure if the nzymes are what has helped her gain mobility back or what it was to be honest. i’m just glad i don’t have to carry her everywhere anymore. sorry about your dog 🙁 and i hope good luck with him!
read my post about De Grasse. i’ve heard good things about vets that do the chiropractic thing on dogs, BUT i couldn’t believe how great it worked out. my lil buddy was so bad that i was sizing him up for a wheelchair. i had no idea what to do when it happened and it was referred by a friend. IT WORKS!
My dachshund, Bruno, has not been able to use his hind legs at all the past two days. Three days ago it happened out of no where, he started limping and he yelped sometimes when we picked him up. We took him to the vet and they warned us about how it could be a disc problem but as he was at the vet he started to walk a little bit better. We went home and he became worse he had the drunken sailor walk then eventually in the evening after resting, he couldnt move his hind legs at all. He has wagged his tail a few times. Surgery isn’t an option as it is too expensive. Does anyone have any advice on helping him feel better? The main issue I’m having is him with his bathroom times. He’s definitely not been doing his business as much and when i take him out he doesn’t do his business. This morning he did poop in his bed as i was carrying him out in his bed to go outside. Please, Does anyone have any advice for bathroom times, crate therapy, etc?
Should try REd infrared light therapy lost of videos on you tube
I am currently dealing with a Doxie who has a herniated disc and is having surgery as I type this. Poor fella was in so much pain. It broke my heart to hear him cry out. I was told not to let them jump or even walk up and down too many steps because of their backs. So no getting in the bed unless I’m awake and I will have to put him down on the floor when I go to sleep. Also no walking him up and down the stairs. Hopefully we will be moving soon somewhere with a ground level.
thank you for making this video.
Thank you for this video. My lab/shepard mix just blew out a disc in her L-spine and she’s 50 lbs! A whole lot more pee comes out when I pick her up to put pee pad under here. I wish she was as small as your dog! I hope she’s doing well. My dogs legs were both paralyzed for one night and came back the next day but she’s still very shaky like yours. It also made me cry when I saw her take her first step on her own, after not being able to feel her legs at all for 12 hrs. I’m so grateful!!