Dachshund HATES Happy Birthday Song!!!
Dachshund barks every time he hears Happy Birthday! LOL Enjoy
Dachshund HATES Happy Birthday Song!!!
Dachshund barks every time he hears Happy Birthday! LOL Enjoy
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Nice low singing voice! You should definitely cover the Grinch song around Christmas time.
Our Dachshund hates the automatic power cord retrieval on the vacuum cleaner.
I dont like getting old either buddy!
maybe they like it not hate it!
actually I don’t think the dog is upset about the song, maybe it wants to sing along?
Easy 250 quid from You’ve been framed xD
poor вaвy
My grandmas dog did that too she. was a Border Collie though.
She also barked to who who let the dogs out. We all loved.
My dog does that too!
(Also a wiener dog)
So precious!!! Love the blanket. They love their blankies. Only, I think that when they sleep under the covers at night, they should make up their 4/5’s of the bed. Don’t you?
Maybe he is singing along.
Very cute!!!
My favorite video of all time!
Rest In Peace Lucky.
My dog doesn’t like happy birthday song either. I could make a video on it.
Mine did exactly the same thing I think they want to sing along with the song that used to have him do that for people when that was their birthday
They generally like to sing along (or bark wildly) when people are singing. It may be that he associates the "happy birthday" song with specially exciting occasions, and that he is not protesting the song, but joining in the excitement of it.
A# or E, gets all dauschunds singing
This video>His other ones, my opinion
LOL. Did you get your Dachsund from Aretha Franklin? "Don’t sing that song for me, Cuz it brings back memories, Don’t ya know?…."
Maybe he associates it with crowds of people and a party, which he doesn’t like? Or people sang it at him as a puppy? Who knows, but it’s cute and you’re a nice couple too.
Hey, that’s the one he sing along to or you tell his age doing it LOL
I just spat out my coffee!!!
i have a dachshund just like this one and tried to sing happy birthday to her but no response :))
0:35 always makes me laugh at how Pickles DEATHGLARES at you. XD
LOL!!!!!! My dog does that but we consider him "singing" with us !! Lololol
Maybe he likes it so much he’s singing with you???
he is well trained on barking while singing: happy birthday – well done 🙂
lol came here from tyrones new try to not laugh
He’s barking/singing because that’s the song everyone sing’s together when it’s someone’s birthday! He remembers the song and the emotion attached to it along with the exciting clapping and "yaaayys" that come after. How exciting!! It’s the same as…. DO YOU WANNA GO FOR A WALK!!?? He’s not my dog and you know him best… but I have a dachshund, beagle and border… they do similar funny stuff 🙂
Wow. You should become a singer, Tyrone
My Weiner goes crazy at the theme from Sanford and Son.
Ha ha it make me laugh
Aw don’t do that to him.
to the dogs defence, does anyone really like that song? love dachshunds xD
i loved
Doxies must be the quirkiest of all the dog breeds, surely. The stuff they get up to!
So funny!
Oh god the horror they were just kids and the Vietcong slaughtered them all
I think he is singing along not protesting.
i love him
Such a funny, cute little Doxie. You have a really pretty singing voice so it’s not that. I don’t know why he doesn’t like the happy b-day song. 🙂
lol…… doggy doesn’t sound upset
Oh wow…this was hilarious. 🙂
Hard to tell if he hates it or likes it actually…