For more videos, follow Crusoe on http://FACEBOOK.com/crusoedachshund or http://INSTAGRAM.com/crusoe_dachshund
Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund puts on his goalie gear for a little backyard goalie practice before the playoffs start!
The outfit was entirely homemade but you can subscribe to be the first to hear of Crusoe’s new costume line here: http://www.celebritydachshund.com/crusoe-dog-costumes/
Sign him
Go Team Crusoe!!!!!!
<3 Amore Dolce <3
still a better tendy than Montoya
That’s so freaking cute aww what kind of dog is that
Way to go, Crusoe!!!
Big save
no one dislike this video it is too cute
I love you
Love crusoe, Love from Germany
I’m a goalie in Ho key lol
Glove save!!
Gotta love this dog !!!!!
I love you Crusoe
He comes out of his net again he’s going to be considered fair game like Ryan Miller.
I love Crusoe! Looks just like mine! <3
anyone that dislikes this video is a fuckin dumbfuck
OMG – no wonder he is a celebrity – too cute!!!
Great catches – and I love the yawn! LOL
Top goalie !
This is NHL performance send him to the NHL haha so cute
LOL nice saves goalie
The MONTREAL CANADIENS would like to trade backup goaltender Al Montoya for Crusoe
Crusoe’s got game
love love love
Great champion!!
there are several people stealing your videos already.
Crusoe is so adorable!!
Let’s go team crusoe
Vancouver canucks like to trade ryan miller for crusoe.
Anyone that videos vertically should not make a penny off the video. It’s just stupid and I have no idea why people put up with it.
Love it, awesome
Haha the best goalie I’ve seen!
The other team makes a goal, and Crusoe twirls around in glee. Sooo cute! I wait for these videos to pop up in my e-mail!
did anyone else notice his stick was Montreal Canadians. not crusoe
love it!