Busy busy – Do Not Disturb (Standard Dachshund)
Standard Long-Haired Dachshund chewing her toy while looking adorable.
Busy busy – Do Not Disturb (Standard Dachshund)
Standard Long-Haired Dachshund chewing her toy while looking adorable.
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It’s almost as if I could look at her and say "that’s a girl alright" XD She looks so neat and what not (although that is pretty biased)
But I can just look at her then at mine, which is a boy, and it’s as if I could tell which one’s a boy and which one’s a girl.
But I bet it’s probably just because I was told yours is a girl and know that mine is a boy XD
looks just like my baby, TOTO from the OC
@pinkmusiicluva Hi. All I can say is that my dog is so loving and sweet. The best companion. They do LOVE attention and tend to give you those adorable ‘don’t leave me’ eyes when you go. However, if you already have another dog it shouldn’t be a problem. Just make sure the integration of the two goes well, dachshunds can be very protective of their family. Can’t imagine my life without her now. Definitely brightened out lives. Standards are beautiful dogs. Good luck!
@pinkmusiicluva Our dog is an indoor dog… but when we bought her she was an outside one.. so they can handle it just fine. With another dog there they would keep each other warm if it got too cold.
@joelteel Haha Joel! Good one 🙂
Ahh, she’s beautiful!!
That’s a BEAUTIFUL dog!! We’re thinking about getting one but it would be an outside dog (getting a lot of attention though, along with my other dog who is VERY happy). When I say "outside dog", it would come inside every day for a period of time. We just need to get some more info though. It will be this type of dog or a Boston Terrier. What’s your experience with a standard Dachshund been like?
@pinkmusiicluvai would seriously rethink getting a dachshund if I were you
Dog: Hey, aren’t you that rope that tripped me yesterday?
Rope: I’m a frayed knot. 😀
Oh man, my dachshunds would have had that rope in threads in 2 minutes.
@Aurora7 Thanks so much for the info! 🙂