Starring: Pepper, Patrick
Walking the Dog from YouTube Audio Library
Every Step from YouTube Audio Library
Subscribe for new videos: http://bit.ly/nd2WJ5
Website: http://4tails.com/
Starring: Pepper, Patrick
Walking the Dog from YouTube Audio Library
Every Step from YouTube Audio Library
Subscribe for new videos: http://bit.ly/nd2WJ5
Website: http://4tails.com/
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I want cuddle with Patrick
Wish my doxie and kitty would play like that! love it.
This cat knows Jiu Jitsu. Great side control, and took the dogs back quickly. Future IBJJF Champion.
0:25 Dachshund gets t-bagged. Lol!
Why don’t you neutered pepper? 🙂
Can they wear underwear for the next match?
Did anyone else get the WWE vibe? lol
What a little badger that dachshund is. That cat should show him who is boss.
Adore his paint splattered coat.
I’ve never seen a dachshund before with those fur colorings.
Would love a dog high energy like pepper so playful even though I have 4already hahahehe
Pepper greetings from Willie the dachshund, Missouri USA
Are you sure that cat knows he’s a cat?????
I really wish my cats and dog got along this well.
What kind of cat?
This little guy is a hellraiser!!
why he is a bad dog ?
This owner is like SUPER MEAN for posting all these videos and I wanna be with them right now!!!!!!!!
comediant dachshund
Another great video! They always brighten my day, & night 2. Thank you for the wonderful videos! Love all ur furry family members!
the cat wow paws that could play volleyball
she allows pepper to do whatever, so easy pinned him lol
neuter that cat
What kind of cat is that? His coat is very unusual.
wow, dat Rex got some balls, lol
Good Music
I put a tenner on the white pussy…………. I want them both x
congrats on your county hosting the Olympics, but I prefer these Olympics
..swear that cat is doxie punching bag..lol
My dachshund loves to wrestle with my Russell but then. Comes crying to m for attention. She is too cute when she does it. She will watch me and wait for me to glance at them then she’ll act like he is getting too rough and whine. They are so comical!
still laughing……. never seen such a funny bunch……… never seen a cat with big acorns….
That cats got the biggest balls I’ve ever seen on a cat!
I love Pepper!!
What kind of cat is this… It does MMA lmfao
i love the cornish rex too…. what an unusual type of cat….. funny to watch …..
Inter-species MMA with a bit of ear-nibbling 🙂 Best of times
que coisinhas fofas…adorei rs
0.43 LMAO.. Patrick with the take down!
Whenever I am in a blue mood, overworked or out of sorts, I look at one of your "Bad Dachshund" videos- and I feel great again- works like a charm. Thank you! this one, Number 5 is a favorite!
Brilliant… ehm..may we borrow the cat, please?
Mr. Pepper is a terrorist and cute too! I love Patrick too!
I love little Pepper! my doxie Willie who looks like Pepper minus the white would love to play with him! More Please!!!
pepper is a little tiger
Your animals are darling but why aren’t they neutered? Here in the U.S. only one in 10 dogs and one in 12 cats that are born every year find homes. That amounts to one animal euthanized every 7 seconds in this country. Hope the odds are better in your homeland.
Amazing wrestling moves!