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Simon (Standard Dachshund)
January 25, 2010
Simon is a 7 year old Standard Dachshund and Buster is a 5 year old Mini Black and Tan Dachshund. We got Simon from a city breeder and Buster from a country breeder. Each one has a definite city dog/country dog personality.
Maggie May (Dachshund)
September 18, 2009
Maggie May is almost 3 years old. She is a Dachshund mix (weenie dog). We got her on New Year’s Eve 2006. We got Maggie May from a friend who I grew up with since 1st grade. He passed away about 6 months later (cancer). His name was Thurman May, that’s why we named her Maggie May, after Thurman. When we told him her, name he just smiled. It really made him happy, he loved his dogs and so do we.
She likes to hunt anything that moves with her two sisters, Pattie and Rosie. She also loves to ride anything, tractor, 4 wheeler, suburban, etc. Maggie May was mine and Beth’s first baby in our relationship, and she is a very good big sister, and we love her and we are very proud of her. She won first place for most unusual color when she was 1 year old in the pet parade in Guntersville.
By Michael from Guntersville, Alabama
Linda (Dachshund)
November 23, 2010
Linda is a 3 year old Dachshund. One day, in a store, we saw a sign saying they sold puppies and a week later we bought her. She likes to pose for photos and scare away birds from our garden. She goes crazy when it comes to taking walks.
By Silvia
BitBit (Dachshund)
September 11, 2009
BitBit is 2 years old and a Dachshund. We got her on Valentine’s Day, my dad and my little brother went to chose one. When I saw her, I knew she was the one. I had wanted a dog for a long time.
Lester (Dachshund)
December 27, 2010
Lester is a 3 years young short haired dachshund. I drove over 300 miles to pick up Lester when he was 6 weeks old.
Lester loves his tennis balls and he will play with one for hours when it’s stuffed in an old sock.
BamBam (Dachshund)
June 29, 2011
BamBam is a 5 year old Dachshund. I got both him and his sister Pebbles on Craigslist last October. They went from being crated day and night, to having a doggie door and free run of the yard.
KC (Dachshund)
August 21, 2010
KC is a 15 year old Dachshund. He was 2 years old when we got KC. He was a stud dog. We bought him from a newspaper ad. Kc likes to roll on his little squeak toys.
Snickers (Dachshund)
October 14, 2015
I always wanted a sapphire ring when it came time to take early retirement from my job. When I went to the jewelry store to purchase one, I decided I’d rather spend the money on another Dachshund (puppy) and I would call her Sapphire!
Scooter (Dachshund)
October 18, 2010
Scooter is a 4 year old Dachshund. A few years ago we were given Dachshunds outside of a pet store. The owner was being relocated to another state and could not take the Dachshunds.
Scooter was born to these dogs.
Gilead (Dachshund)
November 22, 2006
Gilead (Dachshund). Gilead is 7 years old and is a Dachshund. Someone I know breeds Dachsies. Gilead was born without eyes and was going to be put down. I couldn’t let that happen!
Molly (Dachshund)
August 19, 2010
Molly is 2.5 years old and a Dachshund. I was given Molly in Sept 2008 by her owner who was traveling a lot and wanted a good home for her.
Toby (Dachshund)
March 28, 20115 found this helpful
Toby is my 10 year old Dachshund. I purchased Toby as a 3 month old puppy from a local pet store. He likes to stand on his head and scratch his nose.
He loves walks, begging for food from my dinner plate, and sleeping on my lap.
Puder (Dachshund)
September 29, 2009
Puder is a blue and tan Dachshund, about 2 1/2 years old. I got him as a puppy when he was 6 weeks old, from a doctor and his wife.
Princess (Standard Dachshund)
April 5, 2010
Princess is a 10 years old Standard Dachshund. Her birthday will be April 1. I got her on Mother’s Day, 2000 from a breeder we she was 8 weeks old. She’s been the best Mother’s Day present I’ve ever gotten. Princess is a very fun loving dog, even at the ripe old age of 10.
Bailey (Dachshund)
May 25, 2010
Bailey is a 7 year old Dachshund. His Mom his a blue dapple Dachshund, and His dad is a black and tan Dachshund. I got him when he was a baby from one of my friends.
Annie and Max (Dachshund)
June 6, 2017
Max was an 8 week old rescue. Annie was a yard sale give away; my poor baby! Max enjoys sneaking out to the real world, a canine escape artist!
Mikey (Dachshund)
November 7, 2006
Mikey (Dachshund) Photo. Mikey is our 13 year old dachshund. We are fostering Mikey for the local animal shelter. He needed a home or he would be put down because he was too old and sickly to adopt or go to a rescue group.
Olive (Dachshund)
January 12, 20103 found this helpful
Olive is a 10 month old dachshund. We got her in Spring through the newspaper. My husband was chomping at the bit for months to get another dachshund.
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Published at Thu, 10 May 2018 01:53:20 +0000
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