Our dachshund Poncho gets stuck in my sweatshirt
My husband and I were painting the nursery today and I heard Poncho whining. I asked my husband if he was outside and he said no and went to see what was wrong. When he called me to come look, this is what I found. He had crawled into my sweatshirt sleeve and got himself completely stuck!
this is way Awesome!! Im still Laughing
So that’s how sausages are made!! 😛
that is cute 😀
Saw himon animal planet!
It makes me laught too much!!!! Thanx for sharing 🙂
I paused at 0:35
Dachshunds are goofballs :).
Classic! Looks just like my brother Oakley, too.
lol this happened to my dachshund before
My god!! She really needs to learn how to hold a camera!
LMAO! I’m tearing up!
I miss my teckel!!! 🙁
This is the second sausage-dog-stuck-in-sweatshirt video I watched tonight. Is it a common problem?
If his name was Sweater would he get stuck in a poncho?
Cat: "get your shit together, bro. you’re embarrassing. this is why we can’t have nice things -___-"
@applethedoxie I don’t blame you I have a doxie and she never has got stuck in my sweater slleves people do it themselves and you can tell wheater it’s amsuing or not mine likes to sit on my lap and bury her head in my snuggie though but not in the sleeve.
actually, MOST dauchsunds’ eyes look like that 99 percent of the time XD ours had eyes that looked like that 24/7, and they Rarely got scared.
The cat is like: "Dude"… How cute is it that he wags his tail through the whole thing?
Btw, there’s no shortage of videos like this btw… Just search for "dachshund stuck in sleeve". LOL
This is so funny! I used to own to mini dachsunds and I plan to again someday soon. They all act and look the same when they get into trouble. They are like little kids. You should put this on Americas’s Funniest Videos!
Thats cute
my weenie does this all the time! Hilarious 🙂
My dachshund scooter would probably do the same thing if he got stuck in there once he would do it again in about 5 seconds dachshunds actually bred to hunt badgers and that’s why they like to burrow and tunnel that’s what I supposed to do it’s there blessing and a curse
so daggum funny!That is a riot to see!
Che due cretini!
WHY do they always do that!? I dont get it! XD
This kind of vid is why my partner and I check out Youtube. I usually laugh really hard. HOWEVER a large percentage of everyday people are slowly and gradually KILLING their dogs. The crap commercial dog food companies put in dog food provokes cancer malignancy and makes pet dogs die early..
To avoid wasting your dog’s life search online for Double Life Dog Diet (Google it.)
Lol, Poncho’s face when your husband reaches in the sweater to pull him out. XD He’s like, "I ain’t going back in there!"
He didn’t even say thank you…. what a d(og)bag
LOL it’s like reverse childbirth! poor puppy! but at the time I bet he thought he was SO clever… until he got stuck.
his face at 00:33 is priceless
*Houston, we have a Problem ;)*
I’ve enjoyed this video so many times!
Sausage roll!
Aren’t Dachshunds the best?
He’s stuck but since you’re laughing, he just wags his tail and thinks "Oh, well, if it makes you happy…" <333
cat’s like "dafuq is this minion doing"
@chocobolvr it links with the music at 0:32 it says watch my Diiiiiiii…. and then comes the dog face
I love how his tail was wagging the WHOLE time. That’s one happy baby.
I hope Poncho wasn’t put in the sweater sleeve just for laughs.
Sooooo funny!!!
that happened to me also
I think he is such a sweet puppy!!
You are fortunate to have such a friend.
that tail wag.
I don´t like, this dog is clearly scared
how do cute things like this happen?
Poncho was tricked by the cat!
lmao the face he does at 0:33
@superfeen Ha!